This is a log of tools and small skills I am learning on the fly or deliberately during research in UCR …
- January
- February
- UNIX: Using a remote computer by ssh
- UNIX: How to use tmux
- RNASeq: Using FastQC and Trimmomattic
- RNASeq: Using STAR for mapping reads, aligner
- RNASeq: Bamtools to process SAM and BAM file
- RNASeq: IGV for visualizing genome
- UNIX: Writing bash scripts to automate command-line programs
- RNASeq: HTSeq for counting number of reads per genes
- RNASeq: Differential expression analysis using DESeq2 in R
- RNASeq: Using plasmodb for gene ontolgy (GO) analysis
- RNASeq: Heatmap visualization on DESeq2 data in R
- RNASeq: Using RSubread to count number of reads per genes
- RNASeq: Incorporating RSubread count file in DESeq2 in R
- RNASeq: Using Bed tools to count reads per gene
- RNASeq: How to do FPKM normalization by hand
December: I went to visit Bangladesh!