Researcher. Writer.

Currently a PostDoc in the Oregon State University. My research focus is understanding plant-pathogen interaction using molecular and computational tools.

As a science-communicator, I write in Bengali language, first-language of 200+ million people in the world.

A passion for Biology

Since my undergrad, I have done and published research in diverse systems: using silkworm to test pathogens, studying spread of a virus of cattle, symbiosis of plant and rhizobia, and now molecular epidemiology of a plant-pathogen.

Computational Biology

I use bioinformatics, statistics, and programming in Python/R/Unix to analyze complex biological questions.


I’m continuously learning and applying techniques from bench: molecular biology, microbiology, growing plants in greenhouse, as well as field-work.


Long time teaching experiences as TA at UC Riverside and as a Lecturer in NSTU in courses including Introduction to Genetics and Introduction to Evolution.


Actively collaborating with researchers in similar fields worldwide.


I have trained multiple undergrads during Ph.D. (also got trained by undergrads during postdoc!)

Science Outreach

When I get opportunity, I take part in science outreach program with school-students as well as be a judge in science fair.

Science Communication

I write on biological science for public in Bengali language.

Author of Published Books

  • A book on genetics: জেনেটিক্স বংশগতিবিদ্যার সহজপাঠ
  • Translation of selected science articles: প্রাণের বিজ্ঞান
  • A pocket-book on how brain works: মস্তিষ্ক, ঘুম ও স্বপ্ন

Editor of Largest Science Blog in Bengali

  • A platform of 100+ young science authors in Bangladesh.
  • Founding editor for 14 years!
  • I coordinate editing, factchecking, curation, and web-dev.

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